People, I am happy to advise that with OZTRADER members, I have compiled my 2020 NRL Parralell Set and will now look for the Specialist Areas. I will start with SEASON TO REMEMBER, MAGIC ROUND and STARTOON Cards I have and the ones I need.
Season to Remember; I NEED SR9, SR11, SR14, SR15, SR17, SR19, SR20, SR24, SR26, SR28, SR29, SR31, SR36, SR38, SR41.
Season to Remember; I CAN OFFER SR03, SR08, SR10, SR13, SR16, SR23, SR25, SR30, SR32, SR42, SR43, SR45, SR46, SR48.
STARTOONS I HAVE TO OFFER; ST02, ST04 (x4), ST05, ST07 (x2), ST09, ST17 (x2)
STARTOONS - I NEED ONLY Four to complete the Basic 18. ST8, ST11, ST16, ST18
Anyone needing REP CARDS , I hava all 54 and 11 Spare. RS2x2 - CORDNER RS12 - DAVIS RS22 - Maloney and RS25 - Trbojevic RS29 - Fifita and RS32 - McGuire RS38 - FIFITA and RS40 - LATU RS46 - BLAIR and RS50 HIKU
Season to Remember; I NEED just 7 out of 48!!
SR9, SR15, SR26, SR29, SR31, SR36, SR41.
Season to Remember; I CAN OFFER 20 to trade. SR03, SR08 x 2, SR10, SR13 x 2, SR16 x 2, SR25 x 2, SR28, SR30 x 2, SR32, SR35, SR42, SR43, SR45 , SR46, SR48.