So far the cards pictured look great. Can't wait to see sell sheet and to put
and end to the speculation (but that is all part of collecting anyway).
Will be writing up a list of all Warriors cards
Chances are 2020 elite could be my very last release of the NRL collecting of mine (ending an era from 2011-20) so I can focus on my AFL aspect from then on?
Anyway from the looks of things league sensations the following variants?
LS gold - black ink on white board, gold stamping /80
Current on-sale release date is set for August 25th.
As you can imagine, this could move around a fair bit with so much up in the air on freight deliveries at the moment. Stock also usually ships into Melbourne Port too and VIC is headed for another lock-down. It's all tentative dates at the moment.
This is why I’m not a fan of the whole priority set up. It should be made available to all.
The way it should be is a week pre sale for consumers to buy direct off TLA then after that dealers can buy the rest. By doing it the way it currently it restricts the amount that collectors can actually buy as boxes. Doesn’t seem fair to me as it limits the amount of stock reaching actual collectors market.
I had assumed that the unsigned YG’s would be two per team and the ‘box’ hit just like 2015.
I am confident that there is a YG Parallel in Priority /19 so if the above is 115 per card, we could be looking at a third level of YG’s like the Street Arts in Priority Traders.
Very quick maths, and I could be off as I making assumptions, we could be looking at the YG /115 being a 1:36 or 1:48 variant.
This is why I’m not a fan of the whole priority set up. It should be made available to all.
The way it should be is a week pre sale for consumers to buy direct off TLA then after that dealers can buy the rest. By doing it the way it currently it restricts the amount that collectors can actually buy as boxes. Doesn’t seem fair to me as it limits the amount of stock reaching actual collectors market.
I disagree on your points that it isn’t fair for customers and limits stock reaching the market.
Firstly, the fairness - I think the way the dealers managed it with Traders in terms of only selling one box per customer actually significantly increases the fairness. Otherwise, we would see certain people loading up on priority boxes and many more people missing out. It would be just like what happens with the Traders starter packs and certain people searching for black toons only to sell them for personal gain. Personally, I can’t stand this behaviour.
With the point about limiting stock reaching the market, I also think Including the priority boxes in breaks is a great way for dealers to move extra stock. 2020 Traders breaks support this massively. It will all end up out there eventually. While many people want the cards immediately, I see the chase being part of the fun of collecting.
I disagree on your points that it isn’t fair for customers and limits stock reaching the market.
Firstly, the fairness - I think the way the dealers managed it with Traders in terms of only selling one box per customer actually significantly increases the fairness. Otherwise, we would see certain people loading up on priority boxes and many more people missing out. It would be just like what happens with the Traders starter packs and certain people searching for black toons only to sell them for personal gain. Personally, I can’t stand this behaviour.
With the point about limiting stock reaching the market, I also think Including the priority boxes in breaks is a great way for dealers to move extra stock. 2020 Traders breaks support this massively. It will all end up out there eventually. While many people want the cards immediately, I see the chase being part of the fun of collecting.
I am assuming that this will serve as a lower-end insert subset, and whilst I don’t generally collect these - I may make an exception in this instance.