I put 60 elite and traders auto,s on my watch list,which were going off tonight with goldcoast cards on ebay.A great variety of auto,s and patch auto,s.Out of the 60,there were only 13 sales.There starting prices were very reasonable.Is this a sign of things to come,or maybe a bad time of the year to try and sell cards.
Once again i put 63 cards on my watch list from goldcoastcards today.They were from 2018/2019 traders and 2019 elite.All the cards were auto,s,patch auto,s and patches.Only 5 out of 63 were sold.Even with the release of the 2020 Traders soon,surely you would think most of these cards would be snapped up.When you pay 170.00 to 180.00 for a box of elite, and then you can,t even sell most of the auto,s for 30.00 each,maybe TLA should rethink there autograph numbering system.Less auto,s could see autograph cards holding there value.
Collecting priorities have changed massively over the past decade. One would assume this is the reason for the decline in card price and it’s not just NRL cards. The price of living is increasing more then wages families just can’t afford it!
Lots of contributing factors. The availability of single cards on the secondary market is as high as it has ever been. More on the market drives the demand down and prices also.
It is a shame as TLA are producing some every nice cards, despite the myriad of other issues they have!!
Once again i put 63 cards on my watch list from goldcoastcards today.They were from 2018/2019 traders and 2019 elite.All the cards were auto,s,patch auto,s and patches.Only 5 out of 63 were sold.Even with the release of the 2020 Traders soon,surely you would think most of these cards would be snapped up.When you pay 170.00 to 180.00 for a box of elite, and then you can,t even sell most of the auto,s for 30.00 each,maybe TLA should rethink there autograph numbering system.Less auto,s could see autograph cards holding there value.
They aren’t paying $170-$180 a box and that is the problem. Go back to selling at newsagents only and see what happens when it is an even playing field .
Collation was all over the shop also, in my case I got:
1 x YG white
2 x YG Black
4 x LS white
4 x Sapphire mojo's (including a parra checklist)
10 x Ruby mojo's (including a Broncos checklist)
1 x jersey patch redemption
1 x Spotlight jersey signature patch redemption for Will Hopoate from the Dogs.
Collation was all over the shop also, in my case I got:
1 x YG white
2 x YG Black
4 x LS white
4 x Sapphire mojo's (including a parra checklist)
10 x Ruby mojo's (including a Broncos checklist)
1 x jersey patch redemption
1 x Spotlight jersey signature patch redemption for Will Hopoate from the Dogs.