Cards are out, anybody bought some yet and what do you think of them?
I bought a box and am not happy with it, 9 cards a pack and only 5 commons, I still need about 50 commons to complete the set
My wildcard was the very last pack on the right (tom Mitchell)
I bought a 4packs today, 2 flipz, 1 b&f, 1 footy powers. Glad I didn’t get any of the footy bodz as they look abysmal. Not a big fan of the design and the silvers are a bit pointless as they have the same pic as the commons. I think the flipz cards are cool but not sure how durable they will be.
Who would have thought that the commons are now just the same as trying to collect the inserts!
If only 5 commons per pack x 36 packs in box = 180 commons in a box. So 54 cards short of a full set (234 cards), which is quite a few. That assume there are no doubles of any common in the box.
Now its the same as Match Attax football when you need at least 2 boxes to get a full set of commons.
Probably a couple of things going on. The last time there was a stand alone Silver subset was 2015 and there were only 198 cards in a full set of the various types (ie commons, silvers, Golds) Now for 2019 we have 234 cards in each the main sets, so trying to factor the silvers into the mix would have been a problem for the ratios still within a 9 card pack (same pack size as 2015).
Although I am surprised the silver set is so large. When TC first announced the silver cards on the socials I thought it would only be a few special silver cards, not 234 of them.
Of course the other theory would be that reduced commons is just there to encourage kids to do more swaps/trade of those cards with their mates. But of course having more of the other inserts in packs also encourage them to chase those as well. So probably some logic in the madness. $$ka-ching$$
Prize cards in folders are always the same as what is ones shown on the website. Looking at some of the listings on eBay it looks like we are back to the times when all the Prize cards are available in albums. Devaluing the online game & the value of Prize cards once again.
just used the same Goldstein code on 2 accounts so we can share again this year, ill start another private group message if others want to join in,
looks like no more guess the margin which sucks, I pretty much rely on being able to sell cards to buy more packs, might not buy as much this year now