2017/18 FFA Football is now available for dispatch.
Please be aware that Albums are not expected to be available until early March.
Boxes $130ea (RRP $143.64)
Albums $24.95ea
Box/Album Combo $150
Additional Packets $3.75ea
Cases (includes 14 Boxes) - PM postcode for quotes on Cases delivered
1-3 Boxes $10 4-6 Boxes $15 Box/Album Combos $15 1-8 Packets $2 Regular Pick-Up will be available from Penrith, NSW
You can post in this thread or send a PM with any enquiry or purchase.
Listings are also available on our website or our Facebook Group Page.
When sending out boxes, we will label them with a note stating the Case Number and Box Number, eg. "Case 124 - Box 1, Case 124 - Box 2" etc so you know exactly where your boxes came from. Feel free to state these if you post your break results in the forums.
Payment is required via Bank Deposit, Paypal (Friend/Family is appreciated) or Payment on Pick-Up. Eftpos facilities are available for Pick-ups.