ElijahCraigHyde OzCardTrader Feedback - 100% 110 0 0 Mar 4, 2017 #1 WCHP03 Bird WCHP10 Hayne WCHP15 Morris, Josh WCHP23 Thiday Above are the 4 WCH parallels I have to go to finish off the set not to mention my 2014 Elite Master set to boots and all! LMK if you have any of the four card mentioned above if you'd like to sell'em to me. Cheers. ps. I do not need any other ones other than ones mentioned so don't bother with PM for alternatives.
WCHP03 Bird WCHP10 Hayne WCHP15 Morris, Josh WCHP23 Thiday Above are the 4 WCH parallels I have to go to finish off the set not to mention my 2014 Elite Master set to boots and all! LMK if you have any of the four card mentioned above if you'd like to sell'em to me. Cheers. ps. I do not need any other ones other than ones mentioned so don't bother with PM for alternatives.