Price per box will be $130 plus shipping. Each person will get their own box.
Folders for those who want them are $25 each.
Shipping costs are as follows :
All prices are EXPRESS POST so if you are in the Express Post delivery area you will get it the day after we receive the stock.
Boxes should weigh approx 800g each. Folders are approx 950g each.
Express Post
1 box - $15 (3kg Express Satchel)
1 box 1 folder - $24 Express, $20 signature on delivery
2 boxes - $15 (3kg Express Satchel)
2 boxes + folder - $24 (5 kg Express Satchel)
2 boxes + 2 folders - $24 (5 kg Express Satchel)
3 to 5 boxes - $24 (5 kg Express Satchel)
International to NZ
1 box - $17 Registered International
Payment will be requested (at the latest) in the week leading up to release. We will start taking payment once all the costs are confirmed.
Case cards will be given away by random selection to the participants in the case share (one case card will be randomed between the buyers of cards in that case only)