Added the following promotion for presales. Offer available until Wednesday 24th July.
PROMOTION: BUY ONE BOX OF 2013 NRL ELITE AND RECEIVE ONE PACKET OF 2013 NRL ELITE FREE WITH YOUR ORDER. BUY TWO OR MORE BOXES OF 2013 NRL ELITE AND RECEIVE THREE PACKETS OF 2013 NRL ELITE OR FREE EXPRESS POST DELIVERY * these offers do not apply to purchases from the original case shares * free postage offer to Australian residents only
Just posting an FYI re: shipping delays - via Matt via ESP:
This just in from ESP....
Due to a fuel spillage in Botany Bay late last week at the Patrick Shipping Terminal we have had a delay in the offloading process of ESP cargo. As a result there will be a slight delay in the delivery of NRL Elite to our distribution facility and therefore Ikon collectibles and to the wider market.
The product launch date has now been revised to Wednesday the 24th of July, pls note that some remote retail locations in NSW and QLD may start receiving stock as early as Tuesday the 23rd of July due to air freight scheduling.
Should there be any change to this date I will let you know.
Re the Elite Check list, the check list will be released to market on Wednesday the 24th of July, I would like to add to this that going forward all future check list will be released on the product launch day and not before.
Nope, you've already payed for a larger satchel so adding a 3rd box would cost no extra. Just need to pay for the box and you'll also receive a bonus free packet