We have been able to get some free common cards in packs of 5 for all primary aged kids that attend the card trade day with an adult. We are trying to introduce some young people to the hobby. The first pack of cards I got was from a corner shop for free (smart business man- I collected the whole set 1990 footy cards) .
These card trade shows are not just about trading cards and meeting other enthusiasts. They are also a great opportunity to promote the hobby to people who used to collect and get them active again and also getting young kids seeing the hobby for the first time.
I encourage you to come to the show and help us promote the hobby.
I know it is a bit of an effort but this will cause people to join and rejoin the hobby so it is worth it,
People are coming from as far as Coffs Harbour, lets all make an effort.
See you in Newcastle on the 12th NOV.