Duane2686 OzCardTrader Feedback - 100% 55 0 0 Jul 4, 2013 #1 hi all trying to complete my 2012 esp rep set i need the following commons 4,6,16,18,40,67 have the following to trade 5,17,53,54,57,59x3,60,69,72 also chasing all the foil cards for this set
hi all trying to complete my 2012 esp rep set i need the following commons 4,6,16,18,40,67 have the following to trade 5,17,53,54,57,59x3,60,69,72 also chasing all the foil cards for this set
Coopner Blood of Blue and Gold Feedback - 100% 88 0 0 Jul 7, 2013 #2 I can send 7,21,30 & 63 Shoot me your address