I really like common cards, call me boring. My preference is always for the commons and there's nothing more exciting than finishing a set or two from busting packs over a winter. I bought a couple full sets at a wonderful price, so they go away and I don't stress with the *@&$#! doubles I seem to stockpile. I mean seriously...how many Ryan Hinchcliffes does a person really need?
Budget this year is slimmer too, so I got the common sets and Souths inserts and a silver set from an excellent dealer. This is why I love this site...meet people, chat, swap and trade, fill the holes in sets without filling out a bankruptcy form.
I've probably bought 30 odd packets just at 1-2 at a time with loose change, and all the newsagents around me at home and work stock them bar one, and I know someone else in the area is buying them, cause the newies got near to empty boxes and replenished the stock. I won't be buying too many more packs, unless I can get some coin off the better half, but she'll tell me to prostitute my pumpkin a*** and I'm keen for footy cards, but not crack addict keen.
I love the Centurions, but only got the Lyons thus far. Def will save for a set. Got 6 Duos, but 4 of them have flecked corners so will go back to Select. Different packs, different shops, different area but all the same corner damage which seems to mean a pattern. Will save and swap for those too.
The Try Machines are nice, Rookies do nothing for me...cause I don't rate many of them anyway. The silver cards are too gimmicky for me, although I'm an anal completist for parallel sets, so got a set of them too (and maybe will try for a second set if I get some dolleros.)
One thing I hate - absolutely loathe - are logo cards. Yep...I know who the teams are. Worse still, no info, just a checklist. Ummm...what are the 4 cards at the back for (good at the back this year too). Give me 12 cards per team AND 12 players.
Seem to hit quite well this year with buying packs and getting silver parallel / other chase cards. I'll put all the silver cards up some time soon and if anyone wants em, probably will do a bulk shift...but I'll list em and see how we go.
Overall, I really like the set (except for the smell) and if I had the money would get a complete set with the bells and whistles. The days of buying 6-12 boxes are well and truly over for the moment now I have 2 little boys. That said, the oldest is 3 and he oohs and aahs when I bust a packet and he wants to look, and I gave him a handful of cards for him to keep and he thinks its bloody wonderful. You wouldn't want to see them now...ARGHHH!!!