So far not to bad on the damage front. I have found commons in good condition , Award Winners , Top Prospects , Team of the year and club player in good condition. The only inserts so far that I have found that had a line down it was a predictor. I have however pulled out 3 number 4 checklists that have damage on the top of the card like a pinch mark.
I am quite happy with the quality of the cards and realy like a couple of the inserts sets.
Take a look in the box break section I will be posting the box break highlights you tube videos over the next few days. With more thoughts on the product.
Well done on the hits guys, I'm not an NRL collector but I reckon the designs of the inserts this year look really good. Hope AFL Infinity are just as good.
i didnt expect a dragons caes card if thats what you mean i just carnt stand those 2 boneheads thats all maybe they should think about the warriors or cowboys to mix it up thats all