2011/12 Fleer Retro & Bonus Boxes

Since you pulled a green I don't want one of your boxes now

Get breaking slacker, whats this work crap? You have boxes to bust damnit!
Not sure if it's the Flu I have but I just fainted after seeing that Nash PMG Green! What an awesome card!

I think I almost fainted taking the photo. it is blurry I was shaking haha.

Well well well, I see you have Nash as your avatar. If I pull another green PMG I may sell this one as no chanse completing the set haha. I just want one for memories sake haha. Maybe go for the rainbow?

You know you want the Rick Barry Rainbow lol
well I took a break from the FLEER RETRO as I know everyone is eager to see what is in the second North Carolina Box:

not as good as the first one that is for sure.

I may have to sell my remianing Kidney and possibly one of my kids to get the Nash green going on prices for some of the others!