2005 select dynasty box break


Richmond Collector
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Will be breaking in a few minutes ppl :)

hopefully a platinum or big signature :v:

Summary of box break:
Packs 1-9
Melbourne PC38 1957 PREMIERS CARD
Chad Cornes AA5
Western Bulldogs and Adelaide FF
Packs 10-18
West Coast Predictor
Mcphee AA6
Western Bulldogs and West Coast FF
Packs 19-27
Leo Barry AA3
Brisbane and Adelaide FF
Ryan Griffen DS3 #203/600
Packs 28-36
Jones AA4
Brisbane and Adelaide FF


Packs 1-9
Melbourne PC38 1957 PREMIERS CARD
Chad Cornes AA5
Western Bulldogs and Adelaide FF

Nothing special so far but got an interesting card which i will post scans of soon
Packs 10-18
West Coast Predictor
Mcphee AA6
Western Bulldogs and West Coast FF

Still a draft pick to come and hopefully a platinum
a one of one misprint, a whole set of white background diecuts made it out into packs, "supposedly 1 of 1"

hmm k fe, there is one card which i believe is an error and i will post scans of soon. it could just be the header card for the set, however there is nothing on the back of the card
hmm k fe, there is one card which i believe is an error and i will post scans of soon. it could just be the header card for the set, however there is nothing on the back of the card

just the header card i have bought 2 boxes of dynasty and got one in each box.i did get a completly white die cut from this years champions set it's on the you tube break go to you tube and seach for blocka2004 user.
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