I got a couple of nice additions today to finish off 2 sets i've been working on.
First off some Augustin.
Press Pass Revered Relics patch #/50 & Patch #/10
Here's they are together as a set
Now a sick card to finish off my first Michael Jordan set. First off i'd like to give a big thanks to the 2 Steve's for helping me complete this set. Its much appreciated guys :v:
Michael Jordan Ultimate Leadership jersey Gold #/50
Together as a set.
Hope you like them as much as im loving them right now
sick sick stuff mate, love it! really love the fact your continuing with your Augustins as it literally has inspired many collectors to stick to 1 player and chase some of their nice cards, so much credit and kudos your way there. and then the MJ Leaderhip set is just something else mate, im glad i couldve helped out bro .
Da-AM! Those Jordans are crazy good together bro!! Beautful work there Nick! Those D.J.'s are sick as aswell love the Texas patches on em! Sick sick mailday and congrats on the sets
vivo87: Thanks alot Nick, i can't wait to get the LBJ set finished now. Might have to frame them together some how and hang them
Yeah i love the Texas patches aswell even though they are all only 2clr