1st Panini Redemption = GREAT Success!!


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So some may recall when Dave aka WhoDat busted via video possibly THE first 2012 Gold Standard box in Oz... LINK HERE

One of the cards Dave pulled was a Devin Harris Superscribe redemption. I'd been out the game a while, and was keen to pick it up and redeem it... Threw an offer at Dave, and we hit it off.

Redeemed it as soon as it arrived in the mail, remember, this was back in July sometime.

Anyways, I got an email the other day stating my redemption was being shipped....

Here 'tis...

O...M...F...G is about all I can say!!!


Hard to see from the crutty iPhone photo and the watermark, but the card is #005/149.... Yep, Jersey Numbered, but much, much better than that....

DRAFT PICK NUMBERED!!! ha ha. :wave::kick:

Yep, one heck of a happy customer right here!!!
i must say panini got it right with that set! on card auto and a big auto at that nice mate thanks for sharring
Thanks lads! Yeah first redemption with Panini and it's as good as this, just amazing! I have another card with them in redemption, but not fussed about how soon that one comes, not a very big card.

I was totally thrown when it arrived and was #5/149!! After the few I've picked up from ebay, and then Skip's PM with an offer of 3 more #5... it's just been raining #5s!

There was a special #5/25 on ebay the other day (US Only), and after Matt put a bid down for me, they seemed to "shill" it up, and then ended the auction early... prats!!!
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