I understand the original release came out in 1996 as a 110 card set with the inserts for Legend (12) and Team of the Century (22) and 8 signature cards. Is that all of the inserts from that series?
How many other hall of fame subset, inserts and sigs have been released since?
I am considering trying to put together the full run and i'm just not sure what the comprehensive list of hall of fame cards is - any help would be appreciated.
someone might want to correct me here but that was about it in the 96 HOF. since then there has been 2 releases of about 30 and one year they did just 5 or 6 cards and that was it. so i would say there is 4 all up. there have been plenty of legend cards released tho, the 4 in the 07 supreme spring to mind.
hope that helps. someone might want to correct anything ive said that isnt true as im a little dodgy with years between 01-05 lol