
I have a solitary card from this NSW Confectionery Co., taken over by James Stedman - more famous for interwar Sweet Acres issues & for the production of the famous 'Minties' chews
I can't find any reference to them and after many years of collecting Cricket Cards, I've only ever seen this single card in the flesh. It depicts the 1912 Triangular Series South African Captain: Percy Sherwell and is #35! In a strange quirk of fate I've since been given a photocopy of the #41 card which depicts Australian great Charlie Macartney so this confirms that there are at least another 39 of them and maybe a set of 50!
The photocopy of the Macartney card was taken and provided to a leading Australian Cricket Collector prior to Oct 2000, when it sold at the last Christies Auction of Cricket Ephemera held in Australia. This Auction realised the most significant collection of Cricket Cartophilia ever sold in a single Auction and the lot with the Macartney card realised almost $1000!
These two cards are the only ones recorded or known among a pretty good network of Cricket card collectors I know world wide, but I keep thinking that surely there must be others.
Can anyone help?