$15 Postage for 5 card WHAT THE!!


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This ass from the States has decided t ocharge me $15 for 5 cards. Not once is his auctions did he bother to say that he does not combine. Not happy Jan, what should i do??
easy kyle!

either 1 DEMAND a recalc, send him links from USPS sites etc, that SHOW shipping price (global priority is best, roughly $7-$9 for 5 cards I think?)

or 2, dont pay the fucker, and leave a negative with ur reason.

u could also (I think) contact ebay but I think postage is someting that they are free to decide themselves how much to charge...

but he's takin u for a ride if you pay that for 5 cards bro!!
Yeah push for global priortity mail ($5US one). Not combining shipping is a joke. Was it a standard invoice or has the seller demanded the $15?? The invoice may just be wrong. I've had that before. Just teach him the ways of int shipping and the next guy will get a better deal next time. Some US sellers are just ignorant to the real cost of int shipping thats all.
I've had one seller quote me $15US for three cards before
$5 each and he didn't combine. In the end I emailed him and he reduced it to $10US which is still way too much but I paid it because my winning bids were very low and I was still getting a good deal.
it's just one of those things you learn from. Always contact the seller about shipping before you bid. if it's too late into the item like 30mins to go and you don't think you'll get a response still bid if you think it would be a good deal with high shipping costs.
I find that most of the times that sellers do stuff like this is when the item has sold for extremely low amount and they are trying to minimise their losses.
It's pretty questionable behaviour but I guess in a way I understand what these sellers are doing. Nobody wants to go through the whole process of listing cards and have to go out to the post office etc only to lose money in the end, then see ebay still getting their cut of final value, and paypal (also owned by ebay) getting their cut of the paypal transaction etc.
I think the real leeches are ebay. Granted they provide a valuable service, but they really do bleed us all dry for what is basically an automated service.
Just watch the ones that list a $400 shipping price for US and International....

Hendra showed me a link of a T-Mac card, $100 starting price, with $400 shipping!!! Auto and triple patch or something, but still... ha ha ha
hehe thanks guys.

Chad - yeh it was a standard invoice. i seen the postage cost and i was like wat!! so i have emailed him, see what happens ey!!

Ill kepp ya all upto date :)
is his eBay name sportscards-and-collectibles?

i had this problem before and i sent the guy the following message:

"Hi, I will pay max $10 on postage. If this is unacceptable, please feel free to file a non-paying complaint. I believe $15 for a few cards is not an accurate reflection of the actual postage cost to you. It does actually say under your items “Save on postage now! - Buy more from this seller”. I did not realise the discount was so small. Sorry for any inconvenience I have caused you."

Feel free to substitute the $10 for any amount you feel appropriate :)

In the end, he said that $10 was fine, but I felt pretty bad when I received the cards (there were about 25 in there =/) - it cost him about $6.50 to send.

Hope this helps
Another way, I found, if he won't reduce the postage is to demand that he sends each card individually. Theoretically, you are paying postage for that card, so you may as well get it sent by itself.

I forced a Hong Kong dealer to do that, considering he was charging me a high amount for each card.
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