12-13 threads signage auto's


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like the look of this set, gonna go for the chase.

PM if you have any, i can trade or buy.

Thanks matt.

ohh cards look like this
As I am non-for-profit of course I do :D

But you know you'll get yours back mate. Anything you after these days? Spurs rooks?
I do believe you are ahead mate! ;)
There was a packaged that arrived here some time ago that you never 'officially' owned up to! lol
That's weird I usually put Sender: San T clause. Or E. Sterbunny. But no worries. Man. I gracefully accept your charitable donation. *non deductible
Ive got available
Tim Hardaway
Zach Randolph
Chris Mullin
Josh Smith
Michael Finley
Tom Chambers
Dave Cowens
Brook Lopez
Ben Gordon
Artis Gilmore
Sean Elliott
Andre Iguodala
Clyde Lovellette
Joe Dumars
Kurt Rambis
Roy Hibbert
Lenny Wilkens
Bill Walton

Let me know if your interested
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