10 Packs of 2012 Champions


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Just got home after being away for over 3 weeks and my better half had 10 packs waiting for me. She always seems to have better luck than me.
This is what I got:

Matt Cooper
Dave Taylor
Nathan Hindmarsh
Shaun Fensom
Ray Thompson
Luke Walsh
Aaron Woods

Try Machine
Alex Glenn

Rookie Standout
Chad Townsend
Jacob Loko


Triple Centurion
Luke Ricketson
Good stuff mate. Still great fun busting the lucky dip packs. This sounds like my strike rate because I've had less luck with the Try Machines than the other inserts overall. Nearly got all the Rookies and Showtimes but still way sort of the TMs???.
Hey Mark :)

You did well :) I had a smasher of a day too :)

Opened 10 packs as well :) Bought from 2 different newsagents

Heres my haul :

7 SS and golds
1 rookie standout Matt Srama
2 x Try Machines Brett Stewart and Shaun Kenny Dowall
1 x Showtime Dragons
2 x Triple Centurions Terry Lamb and Cliff Lyons (one from each newsagents)

Cheers Shell :)
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