I would open a case! Have you submitted a redemption with Panini before? It is done on the same page as the redemptions. You just open a 'case' and include the box number. I would make sure to tell then the other cards in the box too so they give you something half decent for the missing hit!! lol
I would open a case! Have you submitted a redemption with Panini before? It is done on the same page as the redemptions. You just open a 'case' and include the box number. I would make sure to tell then the other cards in the box too so they give you something half decent for the missing hit!! lol
Gail Goodrich base 587/599 Orsten Artis base 253/599 who?
Dolph Schayes base 513/599
Magic Johnson Dream Team 149/199
Rick Barry Famed Signatures 133/489
Elvin Hayes Famed Signatures 135/364
Larry Bird Dream Team Swatch 841/975
Dominique Wilkins Scoring Legends Swatch 65/249
Andy Phillip Black Border base 168/199
George Gervin Black Border base 171/199
Hank Iba base 191/599
Bob Pettit base 339/599
I collect Willie Warren mate haha, it's not his only one.
One man's meat, another man's poison
PM me a price for it? And for the Bird swatch.
Scans would be great too, if possible
OK. So i sent an email to Panini regarding being short one hit and they have come back to me with a whole heap of sh1t tests.
i.e Send in the box cover with the id code, along with a letter explaining my issue and a receipt of purchase.
Firstly i don't have a receipt of purchase because i bought it from a guy at the market.
Secondly why should I have to go through all this crap as I am the customer afterall? I have provided them a photo of the code on the box as well as providing them with the info in the initial email i sent.
I'm starting to think this ain't really worth it because they're probably only going to give me a $5 card in return anyway if infact they give me anything at all.