C'mon guys! PLEASE don't support sellers with rip off hot packs that have most definately been searched and resealed. Its a blight on the hobby as it is and i'm sure the seller is waiting for your feedback to boost his feedback so the next guy thinks he is getting value from a pack.
C'mon guys! PLEASE don't support sellers with rip off hot packs that have most definately been searched and resealed. Its a blight on the hobby as it is and i'm sure the seller is waiting for your feedback to boost his feedback so the next guy thinks he is getting value from a pack.
C'mon guys! PLEASE don't support sellers with rip off hot packs that have most definately been searched and resealed. Its a blight on the hobby as it is and i'm sure the seller is waiting for your feedback to boost his feedback so the next guy thinks he is getting value from a pack.