1 card, but a Jordan!


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Picked up this Jordan auto a couple of weeks ago... Nothing to special... I got it because the patch is out of the glossy jersey, where they were not stiched but printed on... The black is alot chunkier than the pic makes out...

Tec 1216.jpg
Yeah sorry guys. Didn't mean to sound like a spoiled brat or anything.... I am still very happy with it!!! It will be a prized piece in the PC... But with the amount of Jordan Auto's these days, just not the same...
one of the best players in NBA auto and currently the most expensive basketball player auto... it's absolutely special...... exquisite auto patch adds more points...

congratulations, it's a great addition.
That's an awesome MJ! Just think that Jersey piece is from the late 80's early 90's!

Great Pick up!

Nothing special???????MJ Is simply the greatest of all-time. The best there was, the best there'll ever be. Pls show some respect lol.

Great auto, your jordan auto's make my auto's look weak.That's one heck of a mailday.
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