This is a little story of what a bit of 'ozcard spirit' can turn into.
I pm'd Nandalinnaung the other day to say i pulled a card for his pc and i would send it with another card he needed. I could never imagine what would happen next!
Linn offered to give me a card that was 'on the way to his house'. This card was worth alot more than the cards i planned to give Linn, so i would not let him send it! He was very stuborn and we eventully agreed to a large trade.
Linn was going to send this to me for not a whole lot and that is WAY more than anyone has or should do for someone! This was beyond the 'ozcard spirit' and Linn you are a great and valuble member of this wonderful site!
One heck of a card, and Linn is a true testament to this site! I love hearing stories like this, it warms the heart. Linn helped me out too by trading me the Bracey Exquisite in my avatar.... I won't forget such kindness.
it is such a great card.. I had a chance to check out the card for a while before i sent you hehe.. plus it's on card auto and #ed...
well, you deserve it, no matter what the value is..
hobby is all about fun..... and thanks everyone for ur kind comments..
I always wanted to trade with u, but i don't have any hard to find shaq or dorell wright cards to trade (even this shaq was on the way, so we didn't make an agreement thread until i sent the card out), so glad to have first trade with ya, Dave..