05'06 reflections or sweet shot?


Knicks Baby!!
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hey guys... this question may have been asked before, but just looking to get a few opinions as i want to buy a box of one of these. they are very similar in terms of packs/cards and amount of GU or auto, so any opinions would be greatly appreciated.

ruckers pulled a jordan stars and stripes from the sweet shot and forcey pulled 2 bron gu from the reflections?? i'm torn...help me out :confused:
Magicman said:
hey i pulled a chris paul reflections auto /25 too hehe!!!

go with reflections.

Yeah magic.... i remember that!! sweet pull!!

i think i'm leaning towards the reflections.....
personally id go with the reflections, better average pulls from all breaks ive seen. but i havent seen any sweet shot breaks and i really want to, so if u could buy both that would be great! :D
Yeah I vote reflections too.. more chances of pulling a sick card and get your money back. The Sweet Shot autos arent going that high on eBay compared to reflection cards.
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