I'm excited!! (Although I'd rather have the box of Ultimate) It's sitting on my desk at work right now taunting me!! But I am resisting the urge until 2.30pm, all things going well!! I've never broken a full box on here before..so I'm gonna need some support!!! Supposed to be 1 auto per box...we'll wait and see!!
Oh and if you're wondering why I'm busting a Hoops box....well I'm figuring it may be the closest thing I get to a regular Fleer branded product this season!!
It is a slightly similar situation (other than Fleer going broke and being bought out by Upper Deck!!) as the 01/02 season and Fleer didn't release a base or Tradition set and I had to go for the Fleer Platinum!!
Just looking through the checklist on Fleer.com and the lineup isn't all that attractive other than Lebron and maybe Dwight Howard. I'll probably get Alex Acker or Von Wafer!!
At least it should be pretty cheap if I decide to complete the Auto set!!