05/06 finest break

Thanks all....ye no complaints this time...na buggar that...I WANTED MORE MOJO !!hehe
Definatly had worse boxes...
Trying to get a digi pic...soon..
Sorry not the best pic youll ever see.
well when you do figure out what/who you wanna collect, you know i'll be interested in trading for some of those finest cards
Thanks ben...even i went yug when i saw it..heheh
Be doing things a little different this time round....few less box breaks so i dont end up with mounds of commons...
A mistake i was making last time round was to trade away cards some1 wanted for cards that just ended up as other trade cards...madness really as it cost about $2 every time i do this and dont really get cards that i need/want.
Occationally its aok tho...hehe
May just keep cards that i like no matter who it is and trade of the rest..
So at this stage the wade and the shaq go to the pc the rest up for grabs...
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