05-06 Exquisite 3-color Patch Auto MICHAEL JORDAN for a Horizontal Version

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Due to my odd collecting habits, I am putting this up for trade for a Horizontal MJ auto/patch. Doesn't ave to be from Exquisite as long as it's a 3 color patch.
Or For Sale.


That is one beautiful card (one I would love to own) I just dont have the money or trade bait for it, good luck with the search!
Are you looking for another MJ 3 Clr or can it be another player?

You quoted Lee42 but said "another", so I'll give you both answers. The OP wants another MJ 3 clr auto patch (but with horizontally stripes to suit his collection), Lee42 wants an MJ (3 clr) screen printed patch card.
Benny: Thanks for watching out

Dr. Curlytek: I appreciate you clarifying my request to the other members :)

jordan23: Thanks! Familiar signature pic....

stupidclerk: I may trade one for one in value, but not down.

collectoregalore: I have close to 700 US invested in this.
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