Why don't you bust it !?? Don't tell me your sick of opening packs!?
I do sell a bit, but bust and buy a lot too Besides you probably got it from a HOT case Paul!
Fair price though, sold these boxes at $49ea in my shop until the last one went just recently
Yeah I probably will Justin......the only reason I thought I would do this is becuse I only wanted to but one box but got left on the 2nd one and did the right thing and paid for it
Is there such a thing as a "Hot" case ??? I wouldn't mind know who busted the "hot box" before me to see if they got it from the same person
Well he changed his mind on me and opted to buy a whole one himself (Said I would probably get all the good card) - Yeah right, one Hot box and I am luck all of a sudden.
Anyways - The good news is that I STILL have a Hoops box at my disposal, I may bust it but would prefer to box share it - WHO's IN ???
Matty - You make a good point but I am trying to save to go to the USA & West Indies for the Cricket World Cup Next Year, check this link out for the Tours:
I am looking at the Grenada and Finals CRUISE (20 days), they have a couple of nights stop over in Miami so I hope to be able to catch a NBA game on the way there or the way back
Due to lack of responses I have given up with this idea