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  1. skip20

    A few in from COMC/SMC from last few months

    Kind of like the way I just picked up a random Kendric Davis auto and probably have more than my fair share of Terrance Ferguson cards lol FOr soem reaosn I missed out on the Josh Giddey season - SMH
  2. skip20

    Another Pistons COMC/SMC mailday

    Yes, defensive capabilities and shot creation for his size are the drawbacks. Advanced metrics on him look pretty good, 3 ball, pull up mid range game all more than solid. Finishing at the rim apears to be a bit below par. Alwasy seems to do something with the chances he gets - but less opps in...
  3. skip20

    Wemby watch 6 box mixer afternoon

    Thanks for sharing mate. Plenty of busting going on there... So one or two courtsides per break? I think they're undervalued but the box breaks seem to be fairly inconsistent?! Not sure what to make of Phoenix - kind of a mix between Revolution and I don't know what... lol Seem very blingy...
  4. skip20

    A few in from COMC/SMC from last few months

    Lamelo fan for life? I hate to admit but I've been a bit on the colour match bandwagon myself. There's actually one collector who has a Celtics green PC which was quite interesting to see. {icked up a handful of graded Curries recently too - no doubt now he'll be among the GOATs. Really nice...
  5. skip20

    You choose the mailday...

    Okie dokes - I forgot about this - let me lug my scanner in from purgatory and get busy scanning in some Grant Hill! What a landslide victory! Note to self - keep those 2000s Celtics cards tucked away for now... lol
  6. skip20

    Another Pistons COMC/SMC mailday

    That's a lot of Revolution! ...and the most I've ever researched Kyle Singler since my deep keeper fantasy league days of way back when... Haven't seen a lot of Pistons b-ball but a big improvement since that 'streak' last season. Great young core, I think Sasser is the one to watch for me -...
  7. skip20

    The Rolling “This doesn’t warrant its own mailday thread” Thread

    Can never go wrong with a HOF auto! Leaf actually makes some decent stuff - but the airbrushed non-licensed pics really are the biggest difference maker for me imho.
  8. skip20

    Luka Bandwagon

    Hard to find a raw copy, plus it's not so much the price, it's what else I could buy at the same price point which tends to seduce me even more... ..and now all the Lakers fans are jumping on board the bandwagon too!
  9. skip20

    Patrick Ewing 90's PSA 10 Insert

    He's alive! Sorry to spam this thread mate - great to see you back on the boards! Hopefully not a once off! Consider this a friendly bump!
  10. skip20

    Kyrie PC/ Normal PC

    Nice Kyrie auto. No need to apologise for a long mailday - gives us all in the hobby something a little bit different to look at and enjoy. Looks liek yo;re branching out already!
  11. skip20

    November PSA grading KG returns

    These trickling in one at a time or what? Either way, good viewing and reading... that stat must relate to total figures on one of those deplorable T-Wolves squads...
  12. skip20

    Luka Bandwagon

    I remember one of the last boxes I ever busted was the retail version of that year's Prizm so I decided to go chasing the set and a lot of the subsets - guess the one card I never pulled - and still need to complete the set - a Luka base rookie! :-S Real solid card and side PC.
  13. skip20

    You choose the mailday...

    Huh? Set up for what mate? Ohh, the PG frpm Detroit who didn't make the Dream Team? :-P
  14. skip20

    Show something off

    Lamelo 1/1 Nebula RC sold for $22.8k on Goldin back in 2022!
  15. skip20

    You choose the mailday...

    That's short king #60 overall pick Isaiah Thomas, who had his short lived peak in Boston so you;re safe from the hater status!
  16. skip20

    KG Celtics Jersey Numbered cards - #19 updates

    Always a risky proposition grading those diecuts. Black gold looks real nice!
  17. skip20

    You choose the mailday...

    Just the biggest piles of cards remaining which have yet to be scanned mate. I do have a soft spot for the Celtics, brother has influenced me a lot in that regard!
  18. skip20

    You choose the mailday...

    I just moved house and realised I have literally hundreds of cards which have never been shared with any of my fellow collectors. Rather than upload things in an ad hoc manner, I might as well try to be systematic about it. You vote for which mailday comes next and I'll diligently be...
  19. skip20

    90s Prices

    A lot of ticks in the basketball boxes column mate! Mega wax buster!
  20. skip20

    In Progress Skip20 and pete23nba

    pete23nba receives $$ skip20 receives 2021, 2022 and 2023 metal universe sets All good mate?
  21. skip20

    Things that piss me off

    Someone put me out of my misery! My old eyes aren't what they used to be!
  22. skip20

    Wilkins immaculate numbers acetate patch

    Definitely among the best looking patch / prime products Panini has ever released.
  23. skip20

    Aussie Olajuwons

    High Voltage is a quality 90s insert. Never used to like them much but they've definitely grown on me... Took me a moment to process that stashed overseas meant here, not the USA! lol
  24. skip20

    Andrew gaze legends auto red refractor #1/5 graded psa mint 9 auto 10

    Throwback NBL jerseys ftw! Great card and nice grade.
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