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    Completed AussieLaker & anakinleo

    Aussie gets; $$ anakin gets; NBA & NFL lot Agreed?
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    For Sale Michael Jackson & Madonna DVD lots.

    Got these in a bulk lot of DVDs I purchased but have no interest in them. I also have some other music DVDs that I might list later if I can sell these. $35dlvd each lot Paypal F&F only. Madonna Ultimate collection has 2 dvds inside box.
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    For Sale Trent Cotchin & Alex Rance Decor containers $20dlvd for both

    My son got these when he went to a Richmond game last year but no longer supports Richmond. They have not been used and been stored in cupboard since he got home from the footy last year. $20dlvd for both. Paypal F&F only
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    For Sale PS2 Games lot $40dlvd

    13 games left.. $40dlvd for the lot tonight only. Paypal F&F only.
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    Woolworths Marvel Rare Discs 6,12,18,36,42 & 100+ common discs $75dlvd

    $75dlvd for Rares + 100-150 common discs. Want them gone asap. Paypal only and I might consider offers if you can pay today.
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    NBA & NFL lot $40dlvd

    Price is firm. If not sold I will just keep them.. Paypal F&F only. Not splitting at this stage as I'm really not interested in the hobby and just want them all gone in 1 go. Ball gold /10. Torain 1/1, Thomas green /5 Gotsis silver /149, Purple /99, Red /75 Green /49. Clarkson 6/25 Jsy #
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    Woolworths Marvel Rare Discs 6,12,18,36,42 & 100+ common discs $75dlvd

    Sorry for late reply. I only need 18 & 28 now. Happy to trade a disc you need for 28 if you still have it.
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    For Sale PS2 Games lot $40dlvd

    Found these in the cupboard. No longer have a ps2 console.. Will consider splitting them up but would prefer to sell as 1 lot. $80 + postage. Shinobido, Burnout, LOTR, Star Wars & GTA sold
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    Completed AussieLaker & Awoj21

    Aussie gets; Marvel disc 12 Awoj gets; Marvel disc 6 Agreed?
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    Woolworths Marvel Rare Discs 6,12,18,36,42 & 100+ common discs $75dlvd

    Sorry mate will only trade rare for rare and common for common. Not worth me trading a $10 rare for 3 cheap commons.
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    Woolworths Marvel Rare Discs 6,12,18,36,42 & 100+ common discs $75dlvd

    Updated.. Also added a few I'm willing to trade for to help a friend out.
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    Woolworths Marvel Rare Discs 6,12,18,36,42 & 100+ common discs $75dlvd

    Rare & common discs lot. I think there is close to 150 common discs. Paypal F&F payment only.
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    Free Bubble Mailers

    Sorry mate this thread is a year and a half old.. I no longer have these as most were thrown out.
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    For Sale WWE DVDS & Movie/TV Series DVDS

    Any interest before I list on Ebay? Open to offers.
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    For Sale WWE DVDS & Movie/TV Series DVDS

    Just added first lot of Movie/TV DVDs from family members collection.. Open to offers. Will be adding more in the next few days.
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    All Adelaide Crows Select cards.

    To all the members who messaged me with Crows cards I'm sorry for the lack of replies I have just been very busy the last couple of weeks helping a family member sort out a massive range of items they want me to help them sell and haven't had any time spare to be on here. It will be the same for...
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    Value of old swap cards?

    Added a couple of scans of some cards.. I spent about 3 hours searching what some others I have are worth and found values range from 50 cents to $15-$20 each. If anyone is interested in these cards I'm happy to get more scans and work something out with you. All are for sale once I work out a...
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    SOLD/TRADED WWE 2K16 PS4 $10dlvd & 4 x AC/DC Vinyl Records $500dlvd

    WWE $10dlvd & added 4 AC/DC records though not sure there will be much interest on here?
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    Completed anakinleo and Aussielaker

    Agreed thanks mate
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