Well were only a couple of months away from 2025 Traders release. So I thought I'd ask for your thoughts who could be in this release as the retirement cards. 🙂
Base Stickers 30 cents each.
Foil Stickers 50 cents each.
Base Cards 30 cents each.
Foil Inserts 50 cents each.
If my asking price is off, let me know and I will amend it
$2.50 standard postage .
Looking to trade these cards for Dragons insert cards from 2000 till this year,and this years retirement cards.I don't want any common cards or parallel cards. Most trades will be in your favor.
Postage $3.95 for up to 20 cards.
Postage $$7.50 if you want it registered.
Thanks once again.
Brought a box of these from Coles.Would anyone have any doubles willing to trade.I have Parramatta, Manly,South's and Penrith to trade.I need Broncos, Cowboys,Titans,Dolphins,Dragons and Warriors.🙂
Is there anyone on this site collecting these cards.If there is,I need 3 more to finish the set.Let me know what you have to trade or sell.I have about 150 to swap.The numbers I need are 10,50 and 90.Thanks everyone. 🙂
Now supposedly Michael Myers has come to a grizzly end,how good would it be to have a Halloween set of cards,plus inserts.The movie franchise lasted over 40 years.Surely there would be one of the big company's willing to put this set together.Probably won,t happen,but worth the thought.
I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas to every member on all forums.I hope all your families are safe and well and have a wonderful day tomorrow. If you do receive those special gifts you were hoping for,show it off.🎅🎁🎄🐐PS. The reason I put the picture of the goat in,is because this is...
Picked up this open box of cards at the markets.I thought someone on ozcard would know something about them.I can't put a price on them as I would be just guessing. If someone wants them let me know via DM and we can go from there.🙂
I picked up this book at the markets today.Inside it has Mal,s autograph.But there were also these other auto,s on pieces of paper.Can anyone identify the signatures.
There is a Collector,s fair at Glenmore Park on Sunday 22nd May.I think it's run by the same people who run Hurstville Collector's Fair.Just came across this by accident.The photos on the website show the last show they had was quite popular.The address is on there website.