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  1. buyingstuffformikelee

    Completed buyingstuffformikelee and TheCardMan

    I get myself some $$$$ and TheCardMan gets himself some Vinsanity
  2. buyingstuffformikelee

    Completed buyingstuffformikelee and nicholasbychiu

    I get some $$$ and nicholasbychiu Gets my KG and PP: Mike
  3. buyingstuffformikelee

    Completed buyingstuffformikelee and mattyman76

    Alright, I get myself some $ And mattyman76 gets himself an Exquisite Auto patch
  4. buyingstuffformikelee

    Completed buyingstuffformikelee and Telfs Card Park

    I get myself some $$$ And Telfs Card Park gets himself my Admiral: Mike
  5. buyingstuffformikelee

    Completed buyingstuffformikelee and anakinleo

    Ookey dookey, dealing again and I get myself some $$$$ again And Anakinleo gets himself my Wades:
  6. buyingstuffformikelee

    Completed buyingstuffformikelee and anakinleo

    Ookey dookey, I get some $$$$ and anakinleo Gets my 2 babies:
  7. buyingstuffformikelee

    Completed buyingstuffformikelee and Jordan_Cards_Fan

    I get myself some $$$$ and Jordan_Cards_Fan Gets my baby for his collection
  8. buyingstuffformikelee

    Panani sealed cards?

    Hi Guys, I have another "noob" question. I've been away from cards a long while, pretty much when panani hit the seen. I noticed that some cards are "sealed" by Panani and some, collectors have decided to break open or even get the graded. My question is, are these sealed from packs? Or are...
  9. buyingstuffformikelee

    Question for those Auto collectors out there

    Not sure if this is the right spot, but i think close enough. In terms of your own (I guess) personal value, if you see a basketball player sign his auto differently on certain cards. Do you value this more? For example, say he put sort of more effort into his auto and signed like his legit...
  10. buyingstuffformikelee

    Completed buyingstuffformikelee and Stashman_GC

    I get some $$$$ and he gets my Ray allen Exquisite Gold and Jersey Parrallel set
  11. buyingstuffformikelee

    Old school Exquisite Prices

    Heya Guys, Gosh, its been a while. Hope we are all well. Been away from this beloved hobby for a long while, but can see some of the old guys :lol: are still around, along with a lot of new guys which is great. I've got a general question for those that stuck through this hobby. Has the...
  12. buyingstuffformikelee

    Completed buyingstuffformikelee and MnkyPshngBttns

    Ookey dookey, I get me some Paypal and MnkyPshngBttns gets my Nash baby:
  13. buyingstuffformikelee

    Completed buyingstuffformikelee and anakinleo

    Alrighty, I get myself some $$$$ And anakinleo gets himself: Magic And the doctor Mike.
  14. buyingstuffformikelee

    Completed Buyingstuffformikelee and GarnettFan4Life

    Ookey dookey, I get $$$$$ and GarnettFan4Life gets my babies
  15. buyingstuffformikelee

    Completed Telfs Card Park and buyingstuffformikelee

    I get Paypal and Telfs gets: Tony Parker Sig (Excluding the Parker base, which will be replaced by an 0506 version) Tim Duncan signature Parker Exquisite Base And Ice man auto Game Used: Mike
  16. buyingstuffformikelee

    Completed araiee and buyingstuffformikelee

    I get paypal Araiee gets the Westbrooks: Mike
  17. buyingstuffformikelee

    Yes, I collected much more than basketball

    Well, I'm back! Just getting things sorted Shipping is $6.00 add $0.50 each additional card you want in Australia. Any sale or combined sale over $50, I will throw you free shipping!!! Please note I am moving between places. That means - any trade done before a Friday I am going back to my...
  18. buyingstuffformikelee

    Can't copy picture links from photobucket?

    Hi Guys, Not sure whats going on, but I can't seem to copy links from photobucket. It like highlights the whole link and that's it. What am i doing wrong?
  19. buyingstuffformikelee

    2 Corner stone additions, happiness indeed

    Hiya All, Well, I thought I would share 2 additions that bring my Carrie collection to a wholllllleeee another level. Won't bore you with words, but super duper happy with these especially the last card. You know it all, I love my auto'ed game used cards :D RC Kiss - 1/1...
  20. buyingstuffformikelee

    A few more for the collection

    Heya All, How we doing? Hope all is well. Seems like wild storms have wiped out lawn duties again, thats 2 weeks in a row :D Ha ha ha So, added a few more to thecollection, including a biggey for the Z-Bo collection. But firstly: Tyreke Evans - Colossal Jersey...
  21. buyingstuffformikelee

    More LOSTIE additions, happy happy :)

    Hiya Peeps, Well, added some more LOSTIEs to the colelction, and I'm very happy with these babies :) The 2 guys behind the scenes :) and And one of the most exciting scenes early on, I can't beelive I managed to peice this special...
  22. buyingstuffformikelee

    A few more adds

    Hiya All, Hope the weekend is going well? Had a bit oftime today, as the rain cancelled out any lawn mowing I could do today :D Ha ha ha The Z-Bo collection grows: Still nothing is better than on card auto's Crusade Auto Black and Blue Auto...
  23. buyingstuffformikelee

    Completed Mully and Buyingstuffformikelee

    Ookey dookey, I get myself some $$$$ And Mully, gets himself a Mullin :) Mike.
  24. buyingstuffformikelee

    Pphhewww, so hot and warm! Happy days

    Man, depending on whether you like this heat or not, it's certainly warming up here out west. Anyway, hope all you guys weekends have started off well? I know mine has gotten of nicely. Got a few more things to show ya, before i will be off-line a bit. As my new lovely gaming PC I had been...
  25. buyingstuffformikelee

    Lost Additions - Sayid

    Hi All, Man, I miss this so, kept me captivated for so long. Scoredmyself both variants of Sayid: Soldier and Islander Mike
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