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  • Users: BRONBRON
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    In Progress Glennmc & BRONBRON do a deal

    Glennmc gets: Paypal BRONBRON gets: * Tristan Thompson GS Auto #/35 * Tristan Thompson Spectra Patch Auto #/10 * Lebron James Studio Rock Solid Sound good?

    April Mail... Finally got one!

    Been crazy at work lately and trying to keep up with the playoffs has left little time for the PC.... I did manage to pick up some nice cards during April though so thought I would share. The card below brings me closer to that 50 PC autos mark and the couple of cards currently in transit will...

    Moving LeBron

    Cleaning up the PC and have the below for sale or will trade for other Brons that I need. Prices are in AUD with paypal gift preferred payment. Add $2.50 postage within Australia. $10 for the above two lots of base. $10 each for the above GU Signatures (#/25) - $30 | Limited (#/5) - $60...

    Nobility of a King

    I don't think I have done a mailday for this little set I have been able to put together.... just really like the design of this card for some reason. Hope that everyone is enjoying the play-offs. Another post season for King James (albeit in a different uniform) but hopefully a deep run for...

    Jacket | Finished for now!

    Hope everyone is enjoying the long weekend... perfect time to do some PC sorting! As mentioned in my last mailday I had another Bron All-Star jacket coming which completes the set (apart from 2012 which was the lockout season and the jackets weren't released). Really happy to have put them all...

    Few items crossed off the shopping list

    Hey guys, Quite a few cards sitting around so I thought while I sorted through them I would do a mailday at the same time. Big thanks to all members who have contributed to these additions in particular Phil @tcorbal for sending that Franchise Faces auto home!! After 5 years of hunting I...

    WTB | Kyrie

    Hey guys, I have a mate just starting out with collecting Kyrie so looking for some low end lots to help him kick things off. Hit me up with what you have and hopefully we can work out a deal. Cheers CJ

    Albert Pujols Rookie PSA9

    Looking to move this for $$$ or can trade for anything LeBron.

    One for you Jordan collectors

    Looking to move my completed 2008/09 Jordan legacy set - all 1170 cards are here. Tough set to put together with these being scattered across 4 different UD releases that year. Looking for $$$ but would consider trading for Lebron. If interested shoot me a PM.

    Completed Scratch88 | BRONBRON

    Great chatting Marcus - here is the deal. Scratch88 gets - signed KG opening night jersey BRONBRON gets - payment via bank deposit All good mate?

    MVP Addition!

    Hey guys, Havent really been on much and also not much coming in for the PC either. I did finally manage to do a deal on one of these for the PC and looks amazing in hand! Now have MVP jerseys for 3 of the 4 years LeBron has been given the honour. The patch on the Heat jerseys have "finals" in...

    Completed Karlsta26 | BronBron

    Here is the deal Karl, Karlsta26 gets: BronBron gets: Paypal as agreed. All good bud? CJ

    LeBron UD Premier Auto | Immaculate added 13/06

    SOLD Scratches on case not card. Only moving as I have the gold version too and want to add something new to the LeBron PC. SOLD $250 delivered in Australia (Upperdeck Authenticated) Cheers CJ

    Ultimate PC addition!

    Hey guys, One of my favourite sets and amazing in hand so thought I would do a quick mailday! The KG PC hasn't been shown a lot of love of late but I did manage to put this together... Goes great with the other mini set I have of that other PC guys!! Have had a few nice Brons coming in but...

    Fake LeBron patches.

    Just thought I would give you guys a heads up..... #/99 and perfectly positioned patches should be a tell. People like this make selling up look appealing.... jokers...

    Lebron Immaculate

    Have this to move. Prefer to trade for Brons I need but if keen to purchase can work something out for $$$.

    Anyone have KG Ultimate Leadership GU #/99?

    Title says is all - need one of these!! Prefer all blue GU.

    Completed BRONBRON // Bradlieus

    Bradlieus to get: Perth Wildcats lots BRONBRON to get: Paypal

    Completed BRONBRON // Tcorbal

    Tcorbal to get Adelaide 36ers lot. BRONBRON to get paypal $$$

    NBL Team Lots - Various Years

    Found the box of my old NBL lots which are across various years. Hoping to Going to break these up into team lots with total cards below. Just cover the postage and they are yours. (65) Perth Wildcats - GONE (48) Canberra Cannons (36) Newcastle Falcons (49) Sydney Kings (32) Gold Coast Rollers...

    WTB: 2012-13 Panini Crusade LEBRON JAMES Nobility #12

    Title says it all - anyone have one to sell?

    Completed stp420 // BRONBRON

    Thanks for the PC additions!! Deal: Stp420 gets: paypal BRONBRON gets: Lebron vs Shaq Classic Combos Platinum /25 & Lebron Signatures /25 All good mate?

    Completed AussieLaker // BRONBRON

    Have to get this Kobe out of the house!! :lol: Here is the deal: AussieLaker gets Kobe Elite Status Gold (below) BRONBRON gets paypal gift as discussed with payment on 8th January. How does that sound mate?

    Miami Heat Championship display | Lebron Auto | KG signed jerseys

    Hey guys, Updated 13/01/14 Prices below or willing to trade for anything I need for the Lebron PC! Overseas members please contact me. * Championship trophy (with original box behind it) + two commemorative Budweiser empty bottles (2012 & 2013) + two opening night programs from both ring...

    Feeling it again......

    Had some little packages arrive over the last couple of days and really got me back into the swing of things..... Hips are a bit tired from all the excitement so here are the PC additions!! Inserts #/25 - going to have to go after the signatures set chase I think. Inserts #/10 - another set...
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