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  1. danielsmith_83

    Chasing the Goats

    Just wondering the level of league collectors amongst this group. Wats the greatest card u own. Also wats the greatest one your willing to part wit.. Mine is Andrew johns Captains Signature. Intrigued to hear ur responses. Merry Christmas lads and a happy trading 🤝
  2. danielsmith_83

    Chasing the Goats

    Just wondering the level of league collectors amongst this group. Wats the greatest card u own. Also wats the greatest one your willing to part wit.. Mine is Andrew johns Captains Signature. Intrigued to hear ur responses. Merry Christmas lads and a happy trading 🤝
  3. danielsmith_83

    The bigwigs

    Just wondering the level of league collectors amongst this group. Wats the greatest card u own. Also wats the greatest one your willing to part wit.. Mine is Andrew johns Captains Signature. Intrigued to hear ur responses. Merry Christmas lads and a happy trading 🤝
  4. danielsmith_83

    High end classics

    Just wondering the level of league collectors amongst this group. Wats the greatest card u own. Also wats the greatest one your willing to part wit.. Mine is Andrew johns Captains Signature. Intrigued to hear ur responses. Merry Christmas lads and a happy trading 🤝
  5. danielsmith_83

    Tallis or Fittler captains signatures

    Hey legends knew it’s a long shot but is there anyone out there wit a Gorden Tallis or Brad Fittler 2004 Captains signature cards for sale or at the very least anyone own one.. haven’t seen many.. plus I was lucky enough to Get a Joey one so be awesome to add to the collection.. Thanks in...
  6. danielsmith_83

    2004 Brad Fittler Captains signature

    Hey legends know it’s a long shot but is there anyone out there wit a Brad Fittler 2004 Captains signature card for sale or at the very least anyone lucky enough to have or even seen one along the way.. Happy traders 🤝
  7. danielsmith_83

    2004 Captains Signatures Brad Fittler and Gordon Tallis

    Was wondering if there were any legends on here had either of these cards by any chance and also if the price was right they were willing to part with it. Thanks in advance legends 🤝
  8. danielsmith_83

    2004 captain signature brad fittler Or Gordon Tallis..

    Hey Legends. Was just throwing the feelers out if any one on here had or more importantly were willing to part wit either of the above for the right price?. Appreciate it either way legends..
  9. danielsmith_83

    Gorden Tallis and Brad Fittler 2004 Captain Signatures

    #1 Hey legends knew it’s a long shot but is there anyone out there wit a Gorden Tallis or Brad Fittler 2004 Captains signature cards for sale or at the very least anyone own one.. haven’t seen many.. plus I was lucky enough to Get a Joey one so be awesome to add to the collection.. Thanks in...
  10. danielsmith_83

    Andrew Johns 2004 Captains Signature card

    Hey legends knew it’s a long shot but is there anyone out there wit a Andrew Johns 2004 Captains signature card for sale or at the...
  11. danielsmith_83

    2004 Andrew Johns Captain Signature

    Hey legends knew it’s a long shot but is there anyone out there wit a Andrew Johns 2004 Captains signature card for sale or at the very least anyone lucky enough to have or even seen one along the way.. Happy traders 🤝
  12. danielsmith_83

    Legend Case Cards

    Hey lads. Just throwing the feelers out if there’s has been many NRL traders legends case cards pop up yet this year and if there were if anyone was interested in swapping them for a Petero or Cliffy case card from last year.. Happy traders🤝
  13. danielsmith_83

    2009 Darren Lockyer Captain Signature

    Hey Gents, it’s been a absolute treat being apart of this awesome community and I’ve only got one more to complete my bucket list, You boys have gone above and beyond to help with ticking em off.. if anyone have one the willing to part wit for the right price I’d be over the moon’s day love to...
  14. danielsmith_83

    2008 centenary Arthur Beetson Immortal signature

    Just wondering if any you legends had a 2008 centenary Arthur Beetson immortals signature you were interested in selling? Last one to finish my set would be greatly appreciated.
  15. danielsmith_83

    Tick off my bucket list

    Hey Lads just watched a little documentary on ESPN, Cardboard Collector.. This site got a few shout outs on there.. been collecting Nrl cards for a few years.. slowly ticking off my bucket list.. 2 the last ones I’m after were 2008 centenary Arthur Beetson immortals signature and 2009 Darren...
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