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  1. nwcardsupplies

    Completed nwcardsupplies and aithor

    aithor buys magnetic holder 10 35pt 8 75pt 8 130pt shipping to spain nwcardsupplies receives paypal
  2. nwcardsupplies

    Completed em8e5 and nwcardsupplies supplies purchase

    em8e5 sends payment via paypal nwcardsupplies sends supplies 1 x ultra pro graded card bags 1 x ultra pro team bags 2 x ultra pro Thick card (130 pt) soft sleeves 2 x ultra pro premium soft sleeves 2 x ultra pro 3x4 premium toploaders 2 x ultra pro 3x4 55pt Thick toploaders 2 x ultra pro 3x4...
  3. nwcardsupplies

    Completed bomber5 + nwcardsupplies

    bomber5 gets: 2013 basketball annual ultra pro magnets with uv 12-35pt 12-55pt 14-75pt 18-100pt 9-130pt 5-180pt s&h nwcardsupplies gets: payment through paypal
  4. nwcardsupplies

    2012-13 Beckett Basketball Annuals

    Hi Gang, We have decide to offer the new 2012-13 Basketball Annual Price Guides 20th Edition again this year. We did this a couple years back and it was a success. We are taking reservations now, so we know how many to order. The release date is November 20th We are planning to sell them...
  5. nwcardsupplies

    Completed ADELAIDE CHILLI SOURCE & nwcardsupplies

    ADELAIDE CHILLI SOURCE gets supplies and nwcardsupplies receives payment
  6. nwcardsupplies

    Completed nwcardsupplies and anakinleo supplies deal

    nwcardsupplies received payment via paypal anakinleoreceives 20 packs of ultra pro team bags 10 55pt magnetic 9 130pt magnetic 4 35pt toploaders 4 55pt toploaders 2 75pt toploaders 2 100pt toploaders 3 130pt toploaders (10ct pack) 1 180pt toploaders (10ct pack) s&h
  7. nwcardsupplies

    Completed Supplies sale between NWcardsupplies and anakinleo

    anakinleo gets 15 ultra pro premium toploaders 3 55pt toploaders 3 75pt toploaders 1 100pt toploaders 2 130pt toploaders 3 ultra pro team bags 10 55pt magentic ultra pro 5 100pt magnetic ultra pro delivered nwcardsupplies gets paypal payment
  8. nwcardsupplies

    Toploader Binders with Pages by Sportstech

    Toploader Binder and Pages This is a specialty product produced by The Sporstech Company, The pages are a 6 pocket design that will hold cards in a toploader, pages hold regular thickness toploaders upto 75pt comfortably, the 100pt size are very tight but with care can be inserted. Sorry...
  9. nwcardsupplies

    Completed backinthegame and nwcardsupplies

    supplies transaction back in the game gets 40 small acrylic stands s&h nwcardsupplies gets paypal payment
  10. nwcardsupplies

    Completed anakinleo and nwcardsupplies

    supplies transaction nwcardsupplies gets paypal payment anakinleo gets 4 team bags $10 9 regular toploaders $10 5 55pt toploaders $15 5 75pt toploaders $17.50 5 100pt toploaders $20 7 55pt magentics $9.80 7 75pt magnetics $9.80 5 100pt magentics $10.50 Large flat rate box
  11. nwcardsupplies

    Completed skempautos / nwcardsupplies suppliers deal

    skempautos gets 2 mailers with 20 130pt magentic holders in each for a total of 40 holders nwcardsupplies gets paypal payment
  12. nwcardsupplies

    Card Supplies From NW Card Supplies Prices 9/2010

    Hi Everyone, we had to update our pricing to reflect the new shipping costs to Australia and our wholesale costs. Promold MH1 Regular Size 20pt thickness case price $1.55 US FUNDS Ultra pro Regular Size 35pt thickness Case price $1.55 ea US FUNDS Promold MH2 Thick 50pt thickness case price...
  13. nwcardsupplies

    Completed Deal between breezy and nwcardsupplies

    Breezy receives 5 ultra pro 130pt magnetic holders and 10 small acrylic stands incl s&h nwcardsupplies receives payment via paypal
  14. nwcardsupplies

    Completed Webber_Mad & NWcardsupplies

    supplies sale nwcardsupplies gets paypal payment webber_mad gets a large flat rate box of supplies binder pages sleeves magentic holder and stands
  15. nwcardsupplies

    Toploader Prices?

    Hey guys, We are looking at the new pricing on toploaders here ins the USA and wanted to know what you pay for a pack of toploaders in Australia to see if its really worth the cost of shipping them from the states. Thanks for any information you can give us, Colin
  16. nwcardsupplies

    Completed Cobretti / NW Card Supplies

    Cobretti sends payment via paypal nwcardsupplies sends 2008-09 beckett basketball annual
  17. nwcardsupplies

    Completed Dr. Curlytek / nwcardsupplies

    Dr. Curlytek sends payment nwcardsupplies sends basketball annual and 10 magnetic holders
  18. nwcardsupplies

    Completed ryawil0 / nwcardsupplies

    ryawil0 sends payment for basketball annual nwcardsupplies sends basktball annual
  19. nwcardsupplies

    2008-09 Beckett Basketball Annuals

    Hi Group, we have had some interest in the next issue of the beckett basketball annual. we just got all the informtation from beckett. SOLD OUT 2008-09 BECKETT BASKETBALL ANNUAL 16TH EDITION COVER PRICE $29.99 COST DELIVERED $35.00US THIS IS THE ACTUAL COVER PHOTO. THESE BOOKS...
  20. nwcardsupplies

    Card Supplies New prices and rates 9/2008

    Hi Group we just wanted to update everyone here with the new pricing for the MAGNETIC holders in stock now. Promold MH1 Regular Size 20pt thickness case price $.90 US FUNDS Ultra pro Regular Size 35pt thickness Case price $0.95 ea US FUNDS Promold MH2 Thick 50pt thickness case price...
  21. nwcardsupplies

    Card Supplies New prices and rates 9/2008

    Hi Group we just wanted to update everyone here with the new pricing for the MAGNETIC holders in stock now. Promold MH1 Regular Size 20pt thickness case price $.90 US FUNDS Ultra pro Regular Size 35pt thickness Case price $0.95 ea US FUNDS Promold MH2 Thick 50pt thickness case price...
  22. nwcardsupplies

    Card Supplies New prices and rates 6/2008

    Hi Group we just wanted to update everyone here with the new pricing for the MAGNETIC holders in stock now. Promold MH1 Regular Size 20pt thickness case price $.95 US FUNDS Ultra pro Regular Size 35pt thickness Case price $1.00 ea US FUNDS Promold MH2 Thick 50pt thickness case price...
  23. nwcardsupplies

    2007-08 Beckett Basketball Annuals

    Hi Group, we have had some interest in the next issue of the beckett basketball annual. we just got all the informtation from beckett. 2007-08 BECKETT BASKETBALL ANNUAL 15TH EDITION COVER PRICE $29.99 COST DELIVERED $25.00US Close Out THESE BOOKS ARE DUE OUT IN LATE NOVEMBER, WE...
  24. nwcardsupplies

    US Mail Postage rates going up May 14th

    Hi group i just thought i would give everyone a heads up. Next month on May 14th the US postal service will be raising the rates, this will be affecting the global mailers that we ship everyone orders in, So if any of you are thinking of placing an order for supplies, you might want to...
  25. nwcardsupplies

    Ultra Pro 100pt Magnetic Holders New Size

    Hi Group just wanted to let you all know that we just received another new size in the ultra pro magnetic line of holders, 100pt we have added this size and price to the magnetic holders thread saved at the top of this section, same shipping applies colin nwcardsupplies
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