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  • Thanks for the response to my post. I've gone through your lists. I'm after:
    Tigers only: 2011&2010 Champions, 2009 Pinnacle, 2011 Infinity, 2010 Prestige, 2009 herald sun character cards
    You mention you have heaps of common cards. I'm after club logo cards (max 2 per club), and any other Tigers cards, nor Teamcoach 2011/Champions 2012.
    I live in Cheltenham if that helps with postage/pickup.
    How much for all of this?
    hey mate, whats the go with the cricket tickets? are they still available? i wrote in your post after 4 the other day but got no reply.

    Hey mate,
    I saw your thread on oddbodz you still need, I put a reply in last night...was wondering if you'd like to trade with me?
    no drama if you don't :)

    Hey mate, I've sent you a few PMs in the past few months in regards to a deal but I haven't heard back from you. Is your inbox full or something???
    hey mate ill get back yto u soon thx for sending the friend reqquest u r my first friend on this site

    ta :bennyT23
    what conclusions have you come to mate?
    I will trade you those 5 golds and 5 silvers to you for cards or sell to you.

    i got all the carlton die cuts

    they had team coach silvers for about $1 each ang golds $2.50 depending on the person
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