Depends on what you like and we can go from there But if you need cash, I’m happy to help you out too
I'll just take the cash. Do you mind writing up the deal thread and sending me the link. Can I also grab your address and I will post out before work Monday morning
Do you want a topps Kobe rc, pack fresh? I’m going to put on here for $200 ono If not my details are: Tuan Nguyen 136 eastern parade Gillman As 5013 Give me your details if need
I got pretty much all of Kobe rookies except for topps chrome My PayPal is I will post out tmr morning and send you tracking number
Hi Sorry for late reply My bank details are Jessica Coleman Bsb 016 363 Acc 586301598 Thanks I have to leave to drop of kids and go to work will post tmr I have the day off