Topps 93-94 Series 1 - Round 2 - Replaced Item from Initial Fully Bricked Box


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So…my replacement box arrived.

I’m not sure I could even say I’m cautiously optimistic given what appears to be water damage on the bottom… 😖

But there’s only one way to find out…


Sent my polite message to seller advising of issue and letting him know he really shouldn’t be selling these.

In response he opened another box and found the same issue.

He is now offering me a full refund or something else of equal value.

Can’t fault the response from this guy as I’m very aware he isn’t obliged to be so reasonable ☺️
Sorry to see mate. Great response from the seller at least, a tough spot for them being out a good bit of coin.

That box looked fine on the outside and rotten inside, hopefully I don't find the same on my handful of mid 90s boxes when I eventually open or decide to sell, given I'm already long past having any recourse with the original seller!
Yep - agreed.

I didn’t ask for anything cos I realise he paid and I accepted he didn’t screw me on purpose.

He did acknowledge though that these two boxes were at the bottom of the case - so I’m guessing he had a sneaky suspicion they might have gotten wet etc.

I think he’s a professional seller too which probably helps explain the importance of his reputation etc.

But I certainly thanked him profusely to ensure he knows how appreciative I am.
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