Testing the light box for photos of cards


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$20dlvd I think it was. Pretty good. Just gotta smooth out the crease behind, was hardcore folded in the pack



Photos are coming up nicely! Handy investment. Taking decent photos of the cards is the bit I struggle with the most.

Kind of related, I’m grabbing an elgato light setup for my desk soon 😊
Photos are coming up nicely! Handy investment. Taking decent photos of the cards is the bit I struggle with the most.

Kind of related, I’m grabbing an elgato light setup for my desk soon 😊

So much trouble sometimes depending on time of day so I thought I may as well just get one of these to start with!

Had to look that up but looks awesome mate!
Looking good man. Was definitely one of the more sensible and better investments I've made in the hobby.

Can't wait to see what the incoming mail is
Looking good man. Was definitely one of the more sensible and better investments I've made in the hobby.

Can't wait to see what the incoming mail is

This is where it starts though - $20 cheapie, ooh that looks good, oh hey there's one with fully enclosed sides and FELT for $80, oh if I spent $40 more I could get the dual row of lights and a tripod!!!! haha
This is where it starts though - $20 cheapie, ooh that looks good, oh hey there's one with fully enclosed sides and FELT for $80, oh if I spent $40 more I could get the dual row of lights and a tripod!!!! haha

Thats how we all endes up here in the first place right ? Start with the $2 pack then the $5 pack then it's the $20 pack the $50 box the $100 box

You can tell im getting on when i can remember decent boxes being $100
This is where it starts though - $20 cheapie, ooh that looks good, oh hey there's one with fully enclosed sides and FELT for $80, oh if I spent $40 more I could get the dual row of lights and a tripod!!!! haha

Ok now you have to show me these setups, I might have to invest in something like this!

I can’t believe I’m saying this but I’m buying a scanner purely to scan cards so may as well go all out 😂
Haha PSACollector is where I got the idea!! That’s awesome.

I was planning on buying a nice box of prizm or optic cards but now I’m putting it into equipment to take better photos of cards I don’t yet have 😂😂😂
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