Some more Ewing additions arrived this afternoon, I'll keep the chit chat to a minimum and let the pics do the talking.
Thanks guys.
1996-97 Upperdeck TV CEL Redemption set.
2012-13 Absolute Retired #426/499
2012-13 Totally Red Jersey Not Numbered?????
2008-09 SP Authentic #5/6
2012-13 Past & Present Ewing/Duncan Dual Patch & Jersey #02/25 & #37/49.
2012-13 Preferred Knicks Booklet #22/25.
2011-12 Gold Standard Golden 50 Patch #20/25.
2008-09 UD Black Legends Jersey Patch #4/15.
And finally the biggest addition to the pc.
One of the better auto's from this LEAF set #5/99.
Thanks for looking.
Thanks guys.
1996-97 Upperdeck TV CEL Redemption set.
2012-13 Absolute Retired #426/499
2012-13 Totally Red Jersey Not Numbered?????
2008-09 SP Authentic #5/6
2012-13 Past & Present Ewing/Duncan Dual Patch & Jersey #02/25 & #37/49.
2012-13 Preferred Knicks Booklet #22/25.
2011-12 Gold Standard Golden 50 Patch #20/25.
2008-09 UD Black Legends Jersey Patch #4/15.
And finally the biggest addition to the pc.
One of the better auto's from this LEAF set #5/99.
Thanks for looking.