Ersk Auto collector OZCT Supporter Feedback - 100% 174 0 0 Dec 10, 2011 #1 Hi Here are a couple more new cards that have come in this week. Black Printing Plate 1/1 Co-signers refractor 24/25 Ersk
Hi Here are a couple more new cards that have come in this week. Black Printing Plate 1/1 Co-signers refractor 24/25 Ersk
A1CardsandGaming @ A1, we love collecting as much as you do ! Feedback - 100% 356 0 0 Dec 10, 2011 #2 Sweet love the topps refractor
Verse1 No Glove, No love. Feedback - 100% 206 0 0 Dec 10, 2011 #3 Those Co-Signers are mental in hand hey.
skip20 The (un)official PC Showdown Special Comments Guy Feedback - 100% 463 0 0 Dec 10, 2011 #4 Refractor has a certain 'disco ball' quality about it! Any 1/1 to the PC is a fantastic addition - love seeing them side by side like that too!
Refractor has a certain 'disco ball' quality about it! Any 1/1 to the PC is a fantastic addition - love seeing them side by side like that too!
theflyinggerco OzCardTrader Feedback - 100% 91 0 0 Dec 10, 2011 #5 That co-signers refractor looks sick!
Essellohbeebeewhy OzCardTrader Feedback - 100% 23 0 0 Dec 11, 2011 #6 nice mate! is the refractor classed as refractor or atomic refractor? how many peja's you got now?
Ersk Auto collector OZCT Supporter Feedback - 100% 174 0 0 Dec 11, 2011 #7 slobbythegreat said: nice mate! is the refractor classed as refractor or atomic refractor? how many peja's you got now? Click to expand... I really do not know how many Stojakovic I have. I would assume this is an atomic, but it does not say what type of refractor it is.
slobbythegreat said: nice mate! is the refractor classed as refractor or atomic refractor? how many peja's you got now? Click to expand... I really do not know how many Stojakovic I have. I would assume this is an atomic, but it does not say what type of refractor it is.
GarnettFan4Life OZCT Supporter Feedback - 100% 1263 0 0 Dec 11, 2011 #8 Gotta love a good atomic refractor
KB. Al-farouq Aminu Supercollector Feedback - 100% 182 0 0 Dec 12, 2011 #9 Sweet photo of the refractor there. You really capture the refractory goodness! Nice work with the printing plate as well.
Sweet photo of the refractor there. You really capture the refractory goodness! Nice work with the printing plate as well.