Raiders in Store Meet and Greet


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Went to the Jersey's Megastore meet and greet with the raiders. It was on between 10:00am - 14:00pm with different people every hr. did not stay all day but happy with what I got.

Most for trade looking for 2011 strike



Sweet. Do they sell Strike at Jerseys? Im hoping to get back to Canberra sometime soon and have a look in there.
I was going to go to that but instead i went to the Brad Fittler book signing then went to work
well done mate nice pickups:) U did well with the fergos he must have reliased he doesnt go for much on ebay now lol

---------- Post added 10-12-2011 at 10:09 PM ----------

I was going to go to that but instead i went to the Brad Fittler book signing then went to work

how was the signing was Victor there( matt) ??? we thought of going but we had cricket
okay cough it up how much did you slip fergo for him to sign the cards for you, just for future reference you know so i know how much to offer next time.
Fergo, could not really say no, my 5yr old went up to Fensom first, who was happy to sign them and Fergo was next to him. Fergo did ask if he could keep 1. he mentioned that the Sharks card was his favourite card due to the best photo of him.

Funniest comment of the day.
Mr 5yr was getting his cards signed by croker, and Campese asked my son who was his favourite player, My son then says Josh Dugan. Somebody then asked my son where was Dugan (who was sitting at the table), and my son then pointed straight to Croker, needless to say the Players all had a good laugh
I don't have Fergusons strike card signed yet ( he brushed me last time I asked & gave the eBay crap again)
Would you sell or trade that?
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