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  • Hi, I noticed your post about the penny 90's inserts. I have most of his stuff from 93-94 through to 96-97 in terms of inserts, with the exception of the rookie refractor, 94-95 refractor and two minor spectralights (that come to mind) and a handful of stuff from 97-98 (fleer tiffany, fleer game breakers wth nick anderson, 97-98 cc starquest 4 star (gold foil),97-98 skybox thunder and lightning. But from 93-94 through to 96-97 I have most of his stuff, too much to list but if you have a list of what you are looking for I can tell you exactly what I have, lmk either way Cheers

    ebay id Cruthink (780 plus feedback no negatives)
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