The Villain
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  • Hey man now i know you, haha i forgot your username but now i know you because of that sig. Sorry about that, also there was one guy there that had under football cards some NBA cards, but just like a GU Jeff Green for $5 some base cards and some olders cards also a Chase Budinger Rockets logo auto for $25
    I have all the cards EXCEPT #146. Green ones are as per the description ( a couple have a corner ding only) and #69 has corrugations at the top of the card as it must have been at the edge of the sheet in production.
    Do you have anything to trade??? Otherwise $6 dlvd.
    Cheers Mischa
    yeh for sure, glad to hear you are well matey. we'll see you at the show :P
    ff is awesome; saw them live earlier this year. glad you like them too!
    hey just wondering by your name do you collect michael redd. i may have some thing your interested in

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