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  • Hey Wazza, I was hoping you might be able to help me obtain a 2005 tradition Card Hero , N Hindmarsh Number 9 of 15, Cheers, Greg
    hi wazza, billy hoyle (andrew) suggested u may be able to help me ,
    Im after any NRL 2008 Centenary common team logos for sale? im after as many as i can find plus the green checklists.
    let me know if u can help .. cheers mate ;)
    Hi, mate the rules said if I can prove feedback thru another trading/selling site we can bypass me sending item before receiving payment. If you want check out my profile name on ebay which is stav3680. Im not here to mess you around either if after viewing my profile on ebay you which to proceed with payment bank deposit is preferred and item will be sent asap cheers.
    gday mate my friend greg told me that you might have a 2010 dragons redemption card +2010 redemption set premier set
    cheers dave
    hi wazza have you got any 2009 predictors just need a few to get 2 or 3 sets i need 1 broncs 2 sharkes 1 eagles have a heap of spares regards steve
    Sorry wazza, was also leaked to me that you may have as 1995 series 3 folder for sale at a reasonable price
    thanks mate,
    hiya mate, names Matt, i'm collecting West Coast Eagles cards, any chance you could let me know what you've got/ can get. More the high end eagles stuff i'm intrested in send us a PM if ya get time, thanx mate
    do you have these panini premiums
    i need cards 15,93,94,95,96,97,98

    any help appreciated
    Nice one Warren,Gees i did'nt find one card,well i found some but they would'nt sell or trade with me.Good one mate.
    hey mate
    tak35bne said you sell penny sleeves and toploaders
    i was just wondering what price would these be at and for how many
    Hi looking to begin collecting again and build up with a few quality base sets, plus am interested in any Canberra Raiders inserts you may have. Have not got much to trade unfortunately just started collecting again.
    Am trying to buy an album for 2008 Centenary Album for my son. Was told by tak35bne that you would be the best person to contact. Could you please contact me if you have one for sale or you know where I could get one.

    Ethan the Eel's dad.
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