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  • Crazy MJ Exquisite collection man. You didnt own a card shop in Parramatta around 96/97 by any chance did you?
    No not me. Was in Brisbane back in the 90's
    Your not thinking of Big Ed are you?
    Used to own a store in the arcade just over from the train station?
    I thought Ed used to be on this site at one point. Not sure if he still is or not?
    Steve used to be there too didn't he? Collectors Edge?
    Testing the old memory banks now :D
    I remember Ed’s cards shop in the little mall downstairs next to the newsagent. I remember a guy named Joe who worked there on Thursday nights. It was a great little shop
    Hi Ersk,

    Hope all is well and I would like to ask your assistance please.
    I am in the process of setting up my photo album on Photo Bucket and just have a couple of questions and hope you have the answers.
    1. How do I remove the advertising crap from the top centre of the page?
    2. How do I make sure that when I provide people with the link to my photobucket that they are unable to alter or delete my pics just like you have done in yours?

    Thanks for your time and talk to you soon.

    Would you be interested in selling or trading for your Mark Price GOLD "C" Letterman?

    I am trying to spell his name from this set and I am only missing his "C". I have the world's most comprehensive Mark Price card collection so this card is very meaningful to me.

    I could buy or trade in your favor as I have several of his autographs on cards that look really, really good. Plus, I would throw in some nice $$ via Paypal.

    My Ebay user ID is JHDUSC and you can see that I pay very quickly.

    Please let me know.

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