Has collecting cardboard gotten out of control? Are we to addicted to the hobby?


Damian Lillard
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I remember when I first starting collecting basketball cards as a kid I would be so excited when mum would bring home a couple of packs of 1993 Upper Deck SE or skybox. All I wanted was a base card of Shaq, Jordan or Chris Webber RC. and I would study each card like it was worth a million bucks. I thought that pulling these cards was so satisfying. I had no idea what was in store in years to come

As for today we can all just buy boxes or cases of product on ebay and bust until the cows come home some of us only happy if we pull a super star auto or a quad tag patch etc. We are always wanting mojo support from other collectors to help us through the addiction like it will somehow give us some extra luck, even I have done this.
I know the product has changed since the old days but are we loosing the good old excitement of busting a few packs? Its such a big market these days and everyone is wanting to pull a great card and flog it on ebay for mega bucks or add it to their HUGE PC collection!.

I've busted box after box before like a ravenous beast throwing tons of card wrappers on the floor just waiting to pull the ultimate card. Dont get me wrong, ive pulled Jordan & Kobe auto's before and almost fell over with excitement but it doesnt last long and a week later I want another case. We can all say that its pretty rare to pull a super star auto without busting out $1000's and we spend so much money busting boxes just for that kick of pulling a big card. I've spent thousands of dollars on cards before and regret some of it but luckily I have a pretty good job so it doesnt hurt my back pocket as much but not all of us have good jobs.

I guess my question is has card collecting gotten out of control these days and are we forgetting what card collecting is all about?

I can say I am an addict to the hobby but lately i have cut back in my card spending and am feeling really good about it :)
i hear you!!!! it does become an obession and i need to cut back also! box/case breaking becomes like an addiction after a while and to be reasonably successful in the hobby i think you need to have an even balance between buying cards for your collection and box/pack opening, you can spend thousands in box breaking and pull crap, thats why i try and buy nice cards and bust boxes from time to time as well...i know one guy that pulled a jordan spgu auto jersey /23, and traded it for more boxes and pulled crap out of those boxes...ouch....
Well it's gonna be different for every person really. I don't like just ripping into packs for only the "hits", I take my time. Sometimes I will go make a coffee and take a break between every few packs just to draw it out more. I'm not a fan of gluttony either which is what I see sometimes in this hobby. At the end of the day though each to their own I think.

On the addiction side of things, I don't like footy but I went and bought 10 packs of Champion the other day because I needed to bust open something and in my town your two choices are footy or yu-gi-oh!
thats funny...i do the same thing with footy cards, dont collect them but i offload them for nba cards!!!
Well it's gonna be different for every person really. I don't like just ripping into packs for only the "hits", I take my time. Sometimes I will go make a coffee and take a break between every few packs just to draw it out more. I'm not a fan of gluttony either which is what I see sometimes in this hobby. At the end of the day though each to their own I think.

On the addiction side of things, I don't like footy but I went and bought 10 packs of Champion the other day because I needed to bust open something and in my town your two choices are footy or yu-gi-oh!

Yeah I try not to rush when busting. Its like eating sweets its nicer to savor the taste than scoffing :lol:

I've bought cases before and told myself, "ok only 1 box per day" and I bust 1 box and get crap and im like "maybe......one more box" :lol:
I'm totally on the same page there Jacob, I usually can only afford a box here and there so I'm like that with packs. Just one more...hmm boring pack..just one more...
I'm totally on the same page there Jacob, I usually can only afford a box here and there so I'm like that with packs. Just one more...hmm boring pack..just one more...

Yeah and then all of a sudden you have busted the whole box. The theory of cases are better cause your guaranteed a case hit is a big catch. Its like "I will buy a slab cause its cheaper than buying six packs" but you end up drinking more :lol:

One of my biggest addictions with collecting is buying a product I like and then wanting to put the whole set together. This can be a big problem. Then theres 1 card you cant find for the set so you eventually sell them all off :lol:
Honestly alot of us (myself included) dont really have the mental strategies to cope with keeping this form of gambling under control. Thats why I have never bet on horses, pokies, card games or any sports betting. Theres a healthy pastime collecting cards for sure, as long as you dont try and make money out of it.
I think we all all gone through the stages you are describing before.

There are times where we get obsessive over cards, and there are times where we cant find anything at all to buy.

I think that the sooner you realize that its a hobby, just like playing guitar, collecting stamps whatever, the better off you are. Ive heard stories of people not paying bills to buy cards and its crazy.

If you can manage it, its a great hobby to be involved in, if not it get get you in to lots of trouble.

You only have to look at the guy from Attyball.....they guy was busting exquisite cases like a teenager pops pimples and that was all "allegedly" able to happen because he was ripping people off.

Now that's an addiction.

For me im happy picking up a nice card here and there.....no stress at all, no pressure to have a specific card etc. Its just a very enjoyable time collecting at the moment!

I look at it this way i don't drink , gamble,smoke or drugs so I collect cards. Lately due to an OS hoilday I have scaled back any only really done one box in the last few months and focused on my PC. I would not call it an addiction but an enjoyable hobby.
Best thread i have read on here in a long time. It's almost like an Alcoholic's Anoynmous support group...
Couldn't agree more with what everyone is saying...
No matter what you collect I'm pretty sure everybody can relate.
Well I am a 13 year old and when I pull a hit, no matter what player I get pumped. And when I get a box well I just bust into the packs like there is no tomorrow!! Im just loving card collecting right now, not much else I can say really
It CAN become addicting ... You just really gotta control It. Don't screw yourself over to where you lose way too much money ... I've done that before and It's really not good at all. Just be smart about It. * * * Don't buy cards just to buy something. I never do that anymore. I ONLY buy a card If I plan on keeping It now. Where I used to buy cards to try to sell to make money ... Not a good idea. I have never bought a box to break, I only stress with my Personal Collection. (Which can be pretty expensive) ... Though I have a buddy who loves buying packs and boxes just to see If It has that BIG HIT ... Where I wait for the person to get that hit and I try to buy It from them ... So to each his own ... Just be careful with your money guys !
i hear you!!!! it does become an obession and i need to cut back also! box/case breaking becomes like an addiction after a while and to be reasonably successful in the hobby i think you need to have an even balance between buying cards for your collection and box/pack opening, you can spend thousands in box breaking and pull crap, thats why i try and buy nice cards and bust boxes from time to time as well...i know one guy that pulled a jordan spgu auto jersey /23, and traded it for more boxes and pulled crap out of those boxes...ouch....

aram is that like when you go to the doctor and say "i have this friend who....." :lol: come clean now :lol:
I can relate to this, I recently come back into collecting.. sort of, im not exactly back, im just selectively buying the odd card (this does not mean that I have stared down case/box orders late at night thinking should I/ shouldn't I and gladly i havent!) Years ago i collected Shawn Marion cards and was buying online like a mad man, id buy lots of his rookie cards because there was one or two i didnt have (now im left with an insane amount of dupe rc/inserts/even gu's! Stupid Sweet Shot jerseys!) Financially im definately not ready to jump back in, but i do enjoy it, i actually think i enjoy watching other people busting boxes on cam than busting myself especially when the box is terrible and i didnt lay down $160 (not that i hope they have a bad break ofcourse, watching sweet hits is awesome and noone wants to see someone throw away a pile of money on crap!)

The addiction is an addiction but could definately be worse.. atleast were not getting drunk out of our mind everyday, drugs ect.. coming from someone who doesn't drink/smoke/drugs/gamble much (only in spring carnival) its like a release. Ive found not collecting a player definately helps, I see a card I like i buy it, i want a players card I go and find a good deal, the box busts are definately going to happen and that is fine but in a controlled manner, I too used to love walking down the street and buying two packs of upper deck retail packs and pull nothing but rubbish might have been lucky to get a Skyline insert haha and i thought they were awesome, i didnt know auto's even existed! I was like a stat machine, id read all the stats of the player on the card and like memorise it, Dad used to think i was nuts..lol :)

Just never left the hobby interfer with you living your life and you will be managing your hobby well, dont throw the babys formular money on a card or box!
I was like a stat machine, id read all the stats of the player on the card and like memorise it

I used to love doing this and

Just never left the hobby interfer with you living your life and you will be managing your hobby well, dont throw the babys formular money on a card or box!

This is hilarious cause I have a 3 month old and formula will always come before cards lol. Heck, I want her to grow up so she can enjoy collecting !!! :lol::lol:

considering its a form of gambling, i can see how it can be classed as addictive...

It's not gambling unless you are doing it with the intent to make $ from it. If you are doing it simply for enjoyment and not returns then it's collecting.
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