PS3 Zelmeisters - 2k11 Online leagues

Re: PS3 - another 2k11 league

I check in most nights but havent found a game yet in this league. I'll probably jump in again tonight, check OCT and this one, if i don't find a game i'll finish off my My Player season.
Re: PS3 - another 2k11 league

guys after getting feedback from every1 i have turned the trades on for this season, u can start trading from 2day until the deadline finishes on january 22nd....

think it will also spice the league up abit cause not many pple playing games, also so if any1 wants 2 give there team up i have pple waiting 2 go....
Re: PS3 - another 2k11 league

Guys since the Fixed league has slowed down alot due to to other games, and other fantasy leagues, i have put a deadline on round 1 and two games for this season,

all round 1 and 2 games will be simmed on 1/02/2011, giving everybody enough notice 2 organize some games

this had 2 be done guys, to make sure we get the fixed season complete.... cheers

also guys i had big demand to start another fantasy league with the spots filling in record time, the season started abit rough with admin probs, slider probs just 2 name a few but im confident all the probs are sorted, the league name is ozvnzfantasy and has alot of fresh faces mixed with our our locals from OCT forum....

feel free to chat in this thread about that league also... cheers
Hey Zel if you have anyone looking for a team the Heat are free for you to give them. Im not playing any online 2k lately and having 3-4 leagues seems to make things even harder to find a game.
Hey Zel if you have anyone looking for a team the Heat are free for you to give them. Im not playing any online 2k lately and having 3-4 leagues seems to make things even harder to find a game.

ok verse thanx mate
Just joined the league and LOVE IT! Have played my first two games, lost them both, but still enjoying it. I am an xbox man so have to get used to PS3.
List of free agents up 4 the Fixed League

2K Sports

just rejoined as Grizzlies! Can't wait

sweet heafy shuddnt b long till draft day ill send a msg out

---------- Post added 03-01-2011 at 04:56 PM ----------

WOW - league has filled in less than 24 hours, draft will b in nxt few days gonna have a vote on what weeknight suits every1 best,

either reply to me here, the 2k site, or on the ps network, what night u would like, cheers
due to the fixed league being inactive, weeve decided that all games will be simmed on 19th january, please jump on and try play as many games as possible from now till then, unplayed games will be simmed with more active users getting preferances.

this had 2 be done guys to ensure the league ends as i dnt like leaving dead leagues around just sitting there..

after fixed league playoffs r complete season 2 of fantasy will start...

fixed league playoffs have been generated guys hit the link below 2 check who ure matched against

2K Sports

also guys deadlines for take3 league for round 1/2 gmes is 5th Febuary and deadlines for round 3/4 gmes is 15th febuary....

hi guys just a update on the take 3 league, it glitched when i simmed to playoffs and im working with the 2k admin to get it sorted, apparently its a worldwide problem and i was just talking to some in turkey with same issues, ill keep every1 updated

also guys perry ranga and swizz have been kicked from all my leagues for there abusive, agressive and sometimes gang type actions, etc

example - like only playing games between themselves, abusing pple in chatroom, crying when losing, etc etc

guys the rules are clear and simple and can be found on the 2k leagues page, please read them.....

2K Sports
has ranga started acting like the other tools....? I'll take my comment back about him being the only decent one of the three in the other thread the... Swizz gets the sooks and resets his own games for wins when he loses... and perry is just a punk kid.
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